I started out with one of the bigger ones. Cell phones, that is. Not the ones with the over-the-shoulder bags, or one of the Zach Morris from Saved by the Bell ones, but it was large. I can't even remember the name of the phone company, but it was across the road from the Florence, Ky mall back in the late 90's. Ameritech?? Anyhow- back then, I never remembered to bring it with me. I remember getting a flat tire on the expressway at 2 a.m. (after my shift at Jillians) and of course, I didn't have it that night.
Things have changed so much.
I started texting. A few years ago I made the big move to a smart phone and had a blackberry. This was life changing. Instant email notifications. Internet in my pocket, all day long. I am not sure if this is good for my type of personality or not.
I have found that there are two types of people. Those who have dozens of unopened emails in their inbox, or those who immediately open every email, no matter who it is from. I am the latter. I don't miss an email, and I usually respond to the emails that come in at all times of the day. (I do draw the line when I am with friends or family at dinner... I will not be one of those unengaged people who misses out on real life due to my phone) No texting while talking to another person! How rude.
Fast forward to 2010- Verizon finally got with the program and has the iPhone and I splurged and bought the new 4S. I already had the iTouch and LOVED it, so I knew the iPhone was a better match for me than my dear old Blackberry. In my line of work, contracts and Hud statements need to be viewed on the run and the BB wasn't cutting it. I kept finding myself emailing my husband and his Droid from my Blackberry in order to view the contracts if I got them when I wasn't at home. This was unacceptable for an immediate email opener so I had the obligation to buy the iPhone, right? It wasn't a frivolous purchase. It was essential...for work.
Side note- I love the quality of pictures and Facetime. My heart skips a beat just thinking about it. The video is great for capturing precious moments and milestones that my son is making... ok, so even without the work stuff, it has some luxurious qualities that I am thoroughly enjoying. I digress... and my question is as follows...
Is it bad that I can't go anywhere without it? It sits on my lap more than my toddler.
I have mixed emotions about it. I know it is important to stay connected for my business as this is something I take pride in. Being available to my clients and quick to respond to problems and questions. Am I missing out on life though? I am not the only one, and I know I am not the worst. I can turn it off and leave it alone for a few hours at a time. I definitely have friends who can't do that. I am conflicted. Where was the class on balancing life, family, work and your iPhone? I saw an interview of Amy Poehler recently who was saying that she thinks when her children reach college age, that they will probably take a course called "Eye Contact". So true.
Brianne Kroger is a Real Estate Agent working for buyers and sellers in the Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area. This blog is a way to connect with anyone interested in the good, the bad, and the ugly of the real estate market. Feel free to contact Brianne with any questions at brianne.kroger@cbws.com or 513-271-7200.
I'd agree... it is definitely the digital Swiss Army knife! Establishing rules is good though. We don't allow them at the dinner table, and I often wonder when I'm at lunch with someone who sits their phone on the table if it's their way of saying "glad to have lunch with you, but someone more important could call at any minute."
ReplyDeleteGreat article- I guess it's "everything in moderation".
That is the perfect way to describe it- the digital Swiss Army Knife! Everything in life is a balancing act but technology seems to have thrown a wrench in the way we think and behave. Thanks for reading my blog, Danny.