Saturday, January 14, 2012

I'm Selling My House....In The Spring.

Even if you are not a Realtor,  real estate is a topic that comes up in conversation regularly. Think about it. Did you hear a family member talking about a recent move, a future move, or getting the house ready in order to move, over the holidays? I did. I heard someone talking about it at Quatman's in Mason last week. I heard it in the locker room at the gym I frequent. Ummmm, frequent is a strong word. Lets say I heard it in the locker room at the gym I took a spin class at yesterday.

Real estate is the topic everyone likes to weigh in on, that everyone feels they are an expert on and that is actually socially acceptable to speak about in public. So why does everyone seem to agree that the time to sell is not the winter months but is in the spring? It is a common misconception that you shouldn't bother with selling your house in the winter. Let me share a few reasons why this is a great time to go against the grain and put your house on the market now.

1. Inventory of competition is lower, so your home stands out better to the serious buyers. Your odds of selling go UP during the winter.

2. One of the highest percentages of "Listings Sold" to "Listings Taken" occur during the winter months.

3. People stay at home more in colder weather and online searches go way up. With today's technology and a certain expertise in online marketing (from yours truly) the chances of selling faster increase greatly.

4. Decreased demand on lenders, appraisers, home inspectors, movers and other vendors during this time can cause your closing process to go much more smoothly than at other times of the year.

5. January is traditionally the biggest transfer month, and corporate transferees, who need to buy a home now, CAN'T WAIT UNTIL SPRING. You might miss out on some great buyers if you are sitting around drinking hot coco waiting for baseball season to start. They can't buy your house if it isn't for sale!

While the yard might not be as beautiful and the showings won't be as frequent, the buyers who are out there looking at your home in January and February are serious. If you put your house out there at the right price, it could sell fast and you could end up looking for your new the spring.


  1. Time is an important consideration when it comes to real estate transactions. I would agree to what you’ve said that competition is lower during spring months. Since the year is only starting, selling and/or buying real estate property isn’t a primary concern among the majority. The exceptions are what you can really call serious buyers, and that opportunity is not something to just let pass.

    Ofelia Bertrand

    1. Thanks for reading and for your insight. It is something to consider before taking your house off the market for the holidays, too! If all sellers do this then those serious buyers who are ready to buy in Dec. might miss out on some great homes and sellers miss out on a legitimate buyer.

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